Unwanted Moss: The Root of the Problem
Unwanted moss is a common issue in many gardens. We were emailed a question from one of our customers about her unwanted moss. Her question highlights a common gardening misconception about the root of the problem. Leona in Los Angeles tells us, “I recently applied the Blend to my back yard. Today I noticed areas of moss. I understand that one of the products will help balance the soil. Will this improve the ph to the degree that my moss problem will begin to go away? Or will I have to kill the moss and rake it up? Can't wait to get more product and use it in my shrub and perennial gardens.”
Most gardeners have experienced the common problem of moss growing where we’d rather have lawn or other plantings flourish instead. There are a number of reasons for unwanted moss. Contrary to popular belief, the predominant causes have very little to do with low soil pH. However, many professionals and garden enthusiasts continue to push lime and lime-based products as the best way to eradicate unwanted moss.
In reality, the main causes of unwanted moss are insufficient sunlight, low soil fertility and compacted soil. If you can solve at least two of those problems, the moss will disappear! Mosses love to grow in moist, shaded areas and have shallow root systems, making these conditions a favorable environment for this unwanted plant. Open up the area to sunlight by pruning or removing plants to solve the problem of insufficient light.
The most convenient, effective, and economical way to address infertile, compacted soil is topical applications of our Optimize, Maximize, Nourish-Biosol, and Penetrate applied together (Blend available as a pre-mix of Optimize, Maximize, and Nourish-Biosol). These products add beneficial microbes to the soil that provide more nutrients to plants while loosening and enlivening dense, lifeless soil. If you know for sure that the pH is less than 6.5, then the application of organic limestone would be a good complement to these other solutions, but it won’t solve the problem by itself. Unwanted moss develops due to lack of sunlight and poor soil conditions. Let’s address those issues with healthy, comprehensive organic products and the problem will be solved!